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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the program take?

The program is tailored to each company, though it tends to take 12 weeks to see the effects of the workshops and interactions—thus addressing all aspects of the program and provide meaningful impact.

How soon can we expect positive changes after starting?

Our clients see immediate results within 12 weeks, reporting positive changes in conversations, trust, and clarity of vision within their teams as early as a few weeks into the program. However, the biggest impact often becomes apparent in the months following the program, as the changes become integrated into your day-to-day operations.

Why not just offering Ritmoo's platform?

We believe that being effective with goal setting, tracking and prioritizing isn't just a tool question; it requires behaviour change. Hence, we offer as a bundle for maximum impact.

What's the pricing for the program?

The pricing for the program is tailored to each company to ensure we provide a service that meets your specific needs. Although, we are transparent and clear that the foundational program is 25k—that's the minimum to embark on this process.

Who should join the program?

We recommend involving leadership and key team members who are involved in decision-making processes. The program is designed to benefit entire teams and align them with your company's vision.

Do I need to use Ritmoo after the program?

We don't enforce our software to our customers. It depends on the context, the requirements and size of company—we want to offer value to businesses, without adding a tool to the equation just for the sake of it.